The Verder Group is pleased to announce the establishment of Verder Scientific Iberia, our 13th local sales organization in the world, reinforcing our commitment to market expansion and closer customer engagement in Spain and Portugal.
In onore del nostro 50° anniversario, siamo entusiasti di lanciare un concorso unico nel suo genere: la ricerca del più antico strumento di diffrazione laser Microtrac ancora in funzione. Il partecipante con il più vecchio strumento Microtrac verificato ed ancora in uso riceverà un nuovissimo analizzatore a tecnologia "diffrazione laser" di Microtrac.
Seminari gratuiti sulle nuove soluzioni innovative analitiche e di processo a supporto del Controllo Qualità e della Ricerca e Sviluppo dei processi atti a sviluppare un’economia Sostenibile.
The Microtrac MRB SYNC Analyzer provides users of traditional laser diffraction technology with exciting new capabilities to characterize their materials.
The Verder Group today announces the acquisition of Formulaction S.A. of France. As part of the group’s Scientific Division Formulaction will be integrated into Microtrac MRB, a leading manufacturer of Particle Characterization Systems.
The STABINO ZETA for the accurate determination of the zeta potential and colloidal stability can replace the classical zeta potential measurement and is able to perform very fast titrations.
The NANOTRAC FLEX is a highly flexible DLS nanoparticle size analyzer based which provides information on particle size, concentration, and molecular weight.
Microtrac MRB and Colloid Metrix GmbH announce that effective February 15th, 2022 Microtrac MRB has acquired the STABINO™ product line from Colloid Metrix.
Microtrac MRB and OleiniTec Nordic AB are announcing today that they have entered into an exclusive Distribution Agreement for OleinitTec to distribute the CAMSIZER product line by MICROTRAC in Sweden and Finland.
BELSORP MAX II è uno strumento versatile che misura la distribuzione dell'area superficiale / dimensione dei pori, l'adsorbimento del vapore e il chemisorbimento.
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The Verder Group has acquired the German company Porotec GmbH. In doing so, it is expanding its already strong expertise in the field of particle characterization, as the new acquisition is itself a reputable manufacturer and distributor of particle and porosity measurement equipment.
Sei alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative ed efficienti per la produzione di acciaio o per processi di fonderia? I brand di Verder Scientific offrono soluzioni di alta qualità combinate con consulenza di esperti ed un servizio assistenza internazionale.
Il 1 ° gennaio 2020 le società RETSCH Technology GmbH, Microtrac Europe GmbH e BEL Europe GmbH si sono fuse per diventare la nuova Microtrac Retsch GmbH.